Distressing news about Donald Trump has been coming hot and heavy, and a meltdown is clearly taking place; but hold on a minute. Trump's campaign is not the one that's melting down; the corporation-controlled media is melting down. The entities that used to be known as the "news media" are practically wearing tinfoil hats. In case you missed some of it, here are some recent items that the corporate shills are trying to pass off as news:
The Associated Press published a 33 1/2-inch article in which a world Olympic committee member (himself an American who admits he supports Hillary Clinton) is warning that a Trump victory in November would imperil Los Angeles's bid to host the next Olympics. He offered no evidence for his incredible statement, and that's all the article said. Who but a wildly desperate agency would devote almost a yard of newsprint to a non-story like that?
Reuters News Agency recently published a poll claiming that Clinton has bounced 9% or 10% ahead of Trump. When you look at the sample surveyed, you find that almost half the sample were self-identified Democrats, and barely 10% called themselves independents. You probably know from experience that from 30% to 40% of the American public call themselves independents, and the rest are almost evenly split between Democrats and Republicans. Not content with that blatant lie, Reuters has gone back to some of their previously published polls and changed their methodology to reflect their prearranged conclusions.
ABC is making a big-to-do about the Republican leadership making contingency plans in case Trump drops out of the race due to his (ha, ha, ha!) low poll numbers. The truth is, in every major race, strategists have to consider this possibility, however remote it may seem. ABC knows this, but they're trying to build a story from it. It's the biggest non-story of the year.
When the mother of one of Hillary Clinton's Benghazi victims (yes, negligent homicide is murder) finally said on television what the warfare state shills had chosen to ignore for years, the media blistered Trump, supposedly for taking political advantage of a woman who was out of her mind with grief. When it was Hillary's turn, she did the same, and the media blistered Trump for pointing out that, though the son was a hero, the father was not the son.
And apparently no one in the corporate-shill media bothered to tell us that everything Mr.Khan—a lawyer who certainly knew better—told us about the Constitution was a lie. Not one of Trump's proposed measures Khan that condemned was unconstitutional. Hillary called the mothers of her Benghazi victims liars; any careful reading of the Constitution reveals that Mr. Khan is a liar.
And apparently no one in the corporate-shill media bothered to tell us that everything Mr.Khan—a lawyer who certainly knew better—told us about the Constitution was a lie. Not one of Trump's proposed measures Khan that condemned was unconstitutional. Hillary called the mothers of her Benghazi victims liars; any careful reading of the Constitution reveals that Mr. Khan is a liar.
No doubt, the father's grief was real, but it was far from pure. Khan is a lawyer specializing in Muslim immigration from terrorist-infested countries in the Middle East and South Asia. His website lists New York City as his office address, but the phone number is in Washington, DC. When an investigator called the number, the person who answered it said that it wasn't Khan's number, but he refused to say whose number it was. When the investigator did what news reporters are supposed to do, he found that the number was for a Muslim organization with suspicious connections.
Here and here are two links that strongly indicate Khizr M. Khan's close ties to both Islamic terrorism and the Clinton Foundation.
I used to have doubts about Trump's sincerity; I wondered if it were all a hoax or even a Trojan horse for Hillary, but not any more. The way the corporate shills are now in panic mode and practically wearing tinfoil hats when they read the "news" from their teleprompters tells me that Donald Trump is the real deal.
If you want a clue as to how popular Trump really is (and we can no longer trust polls), take a look at Google Trends. Google Trends measures how many Internet searches there are for almost any topic. Internet interest is not the same thing as voter support, but lack of interest shows lack of support. In that sense, it's a rough guide.
If you want a clue as to how popular Trump really is (and we can no longer trust polls), take a look at Google Trends. Google Trends measures how many Internet searches there are for almost any topic. Internet interest is not the same thing as voter support, but lack of interest shows lack of support. In that sense, it's a rough guide.
In 2008 and 2012 elections, I would key in the names of candidates and throw in the name of a famous movie star just to get some basis for comparison among non-political people (many of whom vote, though many others are too young to vote). In the past, Paris Hilton generated more interest than any candidate.
This year, it's different. Limiting searches to the United States during the past 30 days, the charts show that Trump and Clinton generate more interest than Beyonce, Matt Damon, or Jennifer Lawrence. Johnson and Stein, relative to one another, generate a level of interest that is tantalizingly similar to their comparative poll numbers. Trump is generating more interest than Harry Potter; but, as of August 4, Harry Potter was generating more interest than Clinton. Clinton's numbers will soon rise above the fictional wizard's, but she's clearly not holding public interest as well as Donald Trump.
It's no wonder she's having seizures.
It's no wonder she's having seizures.
June 3, 2017 ADDENDUM: The corporate shills are still in panic mode, and it's called Trump Derangement Syndrome.