"Take our country back!" and "Take our government back!" are rallying cries for liberals, conservatives, libertarians, and—well, everyone but mugwumps. A mugwump is someone who sits on the fence with his mug on one side and his "wump" on the other.
Unless "We the People" take the trouble to inform ourselves as to how things actually work, we the voters, at best, will do no more than faces in Congress will do little or nothing to put average Americans in the driver's seat.
Let's look at another aspect of the situation. A wag once said, "If the meek shall inherit the earth, who will step forward to claim it?" By themselves, temper tantrums in the streets will do nothing to take our government back. We must step forward to claim it.
In these articles, I attempt to address all these issues. To read each article, just click onto the title of the article. With the Lord's help, I'll complete them well before the 2010 congressional elections.
These articles can teach, they can offer hope, they can provide inspiration; but they can not supply courage itself. For courage, each person must look into his own soul.
The Gauntlet We Face is an overview of the entire work.
The following section deals with the question, "What went wrong in Washington?" We have no way of understanding what's wrong with the Washington Establishment until we understand how it really works and what caused it to go wrong. This section also offers insight as to how to make things go right.
Help Wanted: 435 JOB OPENINGS No experience or education needed. Attractive hair and acting ability a plus. $300,000 a year salary and benefits. Ethical people need not apply.
If you're like most people, you probably think that the competition among news outlets is a competition for news stories. The truth is, they compete mainly for advertising dollars. Additionally, all of the major news outlets are owned by corporations and banks, and they must keep them satisfied. They also have to please managers and investors. Readers and viewers are much lower on the totem pole, but average people are not without resources of their own.
Let's not forget the banksters and corporate thugs. Here are some articles to cover those characters:
The titles of this set of articles say it all. We the People have been part of the problem. We're not going to change things in Washington unless we make ourselves part of the solution.
Civilization isn't all that it's cracked up to be, and the "noble savage" isn't necessarily a dreamy sentimentality. As the Bible says, Satan is prince of the earth. This series of articles describes how government and other trappings of civilization began, and how they really work today. According to a Greek myth, Pandora curiously opened a box and inadvertently unleashed all the world's woes upon it. Only one thing remained in the box: Hope.
How well do you know your congressman? If all you know is how your congressman dresses and grooms himself, how well he speaks, and what he tells you when he's running for re-election, you're probably part of the problem. Grow up. Accept the responsibility of seeking out more reliable sources.
Is Your Congressman a Prostitute?
S. C. Congressman James Clyburn: Poster Child for Corruption
Why Congressman Peter King is on a Crusade against the Muslims
S. C. Congressman James Clyburn: Poster Child for Corruption
Why Congressman Peter King is on a Crusade against the Muslims
When Congress is in session, no one's life, liberty, or property is safe. These articles offer proof of that assertion.
Here are a couple of articles about Mr. Obama:
Now that recent events have awakened him, Rip van American would like nothing better than to go back to sleep. He's the infernal optimist who believes that everything will be all right simply because he wants them to be all right. Rather than accept the fatigue of supporting liberty, many Americans are willing to accept quick fixes that give them a false sense of security while they're getting shafted. This series of articles underscores the admonition, "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance."
This series of articles, which covers a diverse range of topics, addresses some of the important issues of our time. Things aren't always what they seem.
The Environment:
Breaking the Matrix, Part One: False Options that Keep Us Divided, Conquered, and Controlled
"Divide and conquer" is one of the oldest political and military strategies in history. With consummate skill, the power elites use this strategy against us, and many Americans just eat it up. They use a particular form of "bait and switch" to further this strategy. Fear of terrorism is transmuted into a hatred of Muslims; fear of illegal immigrants is transmuted into a hatred of Mexican-Americans and all other legal immigrants. Wedges are also driven between Democrats and Republicans, Republicans and libertarians, blacks and whites, liberals and conservatives, and so on. As long as the power elite can keep us divided against each other, we can't unite to restore representative government to America.
These articles deal with the inordinate influence that the Israeli government has over the United States government and even the private lives of average Americans. It also describes false flag terrorist acts in which the Israelis have murdered American citizens and blamed the terrorist acts on Israel's well-earned enemies.
Coincidence or Conspiracy? Terrorist Group Using Jews as Human Shields
Unwholesome Entanglements
How the Israeli Regime Manipulates the Exodus Narrative
For more articles on the Israelis, terrorism, and 9/11, see How Terrorism Really Works.
This series of articles deals with political strategies: the strategies used by the power elite and suggested strategies for taking our country back and restoring representative government.
The Grand Chessboard
The Road to World War III is Paved with Fiat Dollars
For more articles on the Israelis, terrorism, and 9/11, see How Terrorism Really Works.
This series of articles deals with political strategies: the strategies used by the power elite and suggested strategies for taking our country back and restoring representative government.
The Grand Chessboard
The Road to World War III is Paved with Fiat Dollars
Ronald Reagan once said something like, "If the world were invaded by hostile forces from outer space, the nations of the world would find ways to set aside their differences to defend the world against this common threat." The United States isn't being invaded by hostile forces from outer space; the United States is occupied by hostile forces on Wall Street. Our best hope is for honest Americans of differing political views, different religions, different races, and other differing reference points to put aside our differences to defend ourselves against the common threat. United, we can restore representative government to America.
The Only Strategic Voting that Works
Join the Rebel Alliance against the Evil Empire
The Day the Gentle Sea Gypsies Defeated the Globalists
The Day the Gentle Sea Gypsies Defeated the Globalists
Uniting Americans who have spent much of their lives at each others' throats will be quite a challenge. Borrowing a cue from game theory, how can we get people working together when they're unsure of each others' motives? We can accomplish this only if we adopt a new mindset, a new way of looking at things, a new paradigm. Here are a few suggestions.
Even if a majority of voters vote for candidates who offer hope for the restoration of representative government, how can we be sure that the votes will be honestly counted? We must be sure that the mechanisms for counting are honest.
Michele Bachmann Doesn't Believe Her Own Words. Why Should We Believe Them?
Outsourced Brainpower: An Untapped Resource for Opinion Molders
Outsourced Brainpower: An Untapped Resource for Opinion Molders
Finally, what should be our goals beyond the immediate goal of electing congressmen who sincerely represent their constituents? We can begin by reclaiming the values that we lost so gradually and imperceptibly that many of us are scarcely aware that we lost them. These are the values that make us fully human, part of the family of humankind, part of nature, and creatures purposefully loved by our Creator.