Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Ten Reasons to Expect a Red Tsunami in the 2018 Midterm Elections

      At least as early as July of this year, I’ve been forecasting a red wave in the 2018 midterm elections.  Now I’m more confident of it than ever.  Here’s why.
(If you'd rather watch the video than read the article, here it is, below.)
     Reason #1: Opinion polls give the false impression that Democrats and Republicans are evenly distributed within congressional districts.  In fact, Democratic voters are more disproportionately packed into Democratic-controlled congressional districts than Republican voters are.  A Democratic landslide in one district often takes place at the expense of a narrow Democratic defeat in a nearby district.  This usually means that an average of 5% of the Democratic votes are wasted on candidates who are going to win anyway.
     Thus, if the Democrats have a 5% edge over the Republicans nationwide, in practical terms, they’re running neck-and-neck. 
Reason #2: Republicans have the momentum. A month ago, in generic ballots, the Democrats had a 17% advantage over the Republicans.  A few days ago, the Democratic advantage was more like 3% and closing.
Reason #3: For midterm elections, opinion polls usually ask the wrong people.  Candidates don’t win elections by having more people in favor of them; they win by getting more supporters to the polls.  Fewer than 40% of registered voters will vote in the 2018 midterm elections, but most opinion poll samplings imply that 100% of registered voters will vote.  In fact, 60% of their answers are worthless and misleading.  Roughly 20% of registered voters will decide the election.
Reason #4: Who will vote and who won’t vote? With fewer than 40% voting in the midterms, the winners will be the candidates who do the best job of energizing their base.  That usually means that the winners will be the ones who do the best job of framing the issues.  The Republicans are framing the election as a choice between continued progress on hot button issues and a return to higher taxes, excessive regulation, and other issues that are hot buttons for no more than 10% of the voters. President Trump’s voter base is closer to 30%.
Reason #5: Who is making the fewest serious mistakes? Both Republicans and Democrats are making strategic mistakes, but the Democratic mistakes are more serious.  The biggest Republican mistake was for Paul Ryan to continue as Speaker of the House instead of stepping down and being replaced by Jim Jordan.  Democrats have been making massive mistakes.  They include calls for protesters to harass officials who are going about their business, threats to raise taxes on average Americans, and threats to destroy American jobs by restoring job-killing regulations.
Reason #6: The Kavanaugh Effect. The persecution of Brett Kavanaugh was intended to energize the Democratic Party’s most radical base.  For the most part, it has had the opposite effect—and then some.  Married women, especially the mothers of teenage sons, are alarmed at the thought that their sons may one day be presumed guilty by accusation.  The Kavanaugh Effect has likely struck a nerve among blacks and Hispanics as well.  Blacks and Hispanics are all too familiar with being presumed guilty without evidence.  The Kavanaugh witch hunt has become such a disaster for the Democrats that MSNBC and other Democratic-leaning networks lately have complained that other networks have been unfair in their reporting of the process.
Reasons #7: The Black Vote. Democrats have tried to make the 2018 midterm elections a referendum on the presidency of Donald Trump, and they’ve gotten their wish.  Over the past two years, black support for Republicans has quadrupled.  This has been largely because blacks have seen the disparity between the crime and poverty in Democratic-controlled areas such as south Los Angeles and Chicago; and the jobs and opportunities offered by President Trump and his supporters.
Reason #8: The Hispanic/Immigrant Vote. Not all Hispanics are immigrants, and not all immigrants are Hispanic. Democrats, cloistered in their bi-coastal bubble, have deceived themselves with the notion that Hispanics are opposed to President Trump’s policy of securing the border.  In point of fact, Hispanics—both native born and immigrants—as well as immigrants who are not Hispanic—want their children and grandchildren to find the same opportunities in America that immigrants now find when they arrive.  They don’t want America to be turned into the kind of country that other people are fleeing.  Small wonder that Hispanic support for President Trump has more than doubled since the 2016 election.
Reason #9: The Numbers in the Senate Races.  Of the thirty-five contested senate seats, twenty-six are held by Democrats; nine are held by Republicans.  To win control of the Senate, Democrats have to win two of the nine Republican-held seats.  Republicans need only to hold onto the ones they have, and they have twenty-six opportunities to increase their majority in the Senate.  West Virginia has already flipped into the Republican column.  North Dakota and Florida are on the way there. Others are likely.
Reason #10: Increases is Republican Registrations, Requests for Absentee Ballots for Registered Republicans, and Early Voting by Registered Republicans in Florida, North Carolina, Wyoming, Arizona, Ohio, and Iowa.  All these factors indicate a surge in GOP voting. 
     The desperate Democrats in Washington DC and in the Pravda press outlets such as the Clown News Network and MSNBC have been pushing the notion that there’s no need for Republicans to go to the polls because all is lost anyway.  Democrat desperation is becoming more and more evident with each passing week. 
     I forecast that the Republican Party will gain around eight seats in the U.S. Senate, several seats in the House, several more governorships, and control of several more state legislatures.  We’ll see
     With strong Republican majorities in both houses of Congress—real Republicans and not RINOs such as the departing Jeff Flake and Paul Ryan—and with an Attorney General who will do his job, President Trump can finish his task of draining the swamp, securing America’s borders, strengthening America’s economy, securing peace and fair trade with other countries, and making America great again.    

Saturday, March 3, 2018

49 Tips for Recognizing a False Flag or other Psyop

  “In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
“The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamor for such laws if their personal security is threatened”.
– Josef Stalin
     There can be no doubt that false flag attacks are a reality.  Washington’s Blog has documented at least 53 false flag attacks to which government officials in various countries—including the U.S.—have later admitted.  Only the most cowardly, self-deceived individuals can doubt the existence of false flag attacks.
     Several web sites offer anywhere from three to fifteen clues on how to recognize false flag attacks.  I’ve gleaned through them and added a few of my own.  There are really too many to cover in detail in a single article.  Instead, I’ve chosen simply to list them and perhaps go into further detail a few at a time, on some future occasion.
     Your choice: You may read the article or watch the video:

     In a false flag attack or other psyop, several (or many) of the following phenomena are evident:
The Narrative
1.    There is an immediate comprehensive narrative, including a convenient culprit. Law enforcement, government agencies, and the mainstream media immediately proffer a narrative that completely explains the event and encourages citizens to tie their intellectual understanding of the tragedy to the emotions they experience.
2.     Even before there is time for investigation, the “news” media has quickly and conveniently named and demonized the “culprit” (read: patsy).
3.    The official narrative has obvious domestic and geopolitical advantages for the governing body.
4.    The narrative behind the attack serves to leverage emotions such as fear, as well as patriotism, in order to manufacture consent around a previously controversial issue. (e.g. calls for gun confiscation) 
5.    Media and government officials promote a narrative against scapegoat groups and/or an agenda to deprive citizens of life, liberty, or property.
6.    The official narrative keeps changing, adjusting to new facts that contradict the official narrative.
7.    No matter how many times the narrative changes, people who question the official narrative are demonized as “conspiracy theorists” or something worse.
The Nature of the Event
8.    It’s a high-profile event. According to a New York Times news article, mass murders (murders of four or more people at one time) occur an average of once a day in the U.S.  The overwhelming majority of mass murders are ignored, but a select few are covered 24/7.
9.    The event seems too theatrical to be real, or at least too theatrical to be taken at face value.
Obvious Holes in the Official Narrative
10.  Official narrative contradicts boundary conditions (e.g., the narrative that a non-pilot such as Hani Hanjour taught himself to fly a Boeing 757 more expertly than an experienced Boeing pilot.)
11. Significant omissions in the official narrative  (e.g., the fact that, only two weeks before 9/11, Hani Hanjour was not allowed to rent a Cessna 172 due to his poor piloting skills).
12. Official narrative contradicts experience (personal or historical) (e.g., that no high-rise building in history has ever collapsed due to fire damage, yet it supposedly happened three times at the same place on the same day.)
Official Behavior before or during the Event
13. Military training drills or police drills occur on the day of and very near the attack itself, simulating an event that’s virtually identical to the “real” event that is taking place.  This often causes confusion, muddles eye witness testimony, and allows orchestrators to plant both patsies, disinformation, and backup operatives.
14. Government or media foreknowledge (e.g. BBC announcing the collapse of WTC-7 some 20 minutes before it actually occurred).
15. Ignored warnings.
16. Authorities facilitated the event, either actively or passively.
17. Serious violations of protocol.  (In the Sandy Hook psyop, almost everyone in any official capacity violated the law and failed to follow required protocol.)
The Suspect(s)
18. Suspects usually have new social media accounts.
19. Suspect leaves a manifesto.
20. Suspect has had no military training, yet he shoots extremely fast and accurately.
21. The suspect(s) have a demonstrable connection to the CIA, FBI, or another intelligence agency.
22. The suspect has no credible means of funding.  (e.g., James Holmes, an unemployed medical student who had $26,000 worth of armaments, body armor, bomb-making equipment, and other paraphernalia.  Unaccountably, he also had the skills to make the bombs, rig the booby traps, and use the guns and ammo.  Wow!)
23. Suspect dies before he can be brought to trial.
24. In the case of a terrorist group, PR is clearly designed for domestic consumption (e.g., when organizational initials or other PR symbols are in English when one would reasonably expect them to be in the native language of the terrorist group.  Note: the acronym ISIS stands for the English words Islamic State of Iraq and Syria).
The Witnesses

25. On local news stations, eyewitnesses who have accounts conflicting with official narrative are ignored by the national media.
26. Witnesses whose accounts may be fatal to the official narrative are killed, drugged, or “suicided;” or they die under other suspicious circumstances.
27. Family or witnesses supporting the official narrative often have elite or acting backgrounds.
28. “Witnesses” make official talking points. (E.g., 9/11 “Harley guy” claiming that WTC 1 & 2 collapsed “mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just too intense.”)
29. “Witnesses” speak in “officialese” (e.g., “multiple gunshots” instead of “several (or a specific number of) gunshots,” or, “I witnessed…,” instead of, “I saw…”)
30. The same witnesses are present at two or more events.
31. “Witnesses” speak in generalities, so as to avoid the risk of telling too different a story as other “witnesses.”
32. Witnesses’ statements are reinterpreted or shut off by an interviewer.
Victims and their Families
33. Fake “victims;” the same “victim” get killed in two or more separate events.
34. Families of “victims” appear on TV within 24 hours, showing little or no emotion, and even snigger and laugh.  “Robbie Parker”  James Foley’s smiling sister’s “duping delight”:
35. Non sequiturs (e.g. that victims’ families wouldn’t want to know how their loved ones died; or pulling out of an illegal war would be disrespectful of “the troops;” or that “an investigation of a terrorist act would invite another such offense.”)
36. Victim’s families don’t sue anyone for negligence, but receive millions in unsolicited federal payouts
News Reports after the Event
37. There is no obvious motive for the attack.
38. News media may obsess over a search for a motive, thereby diverting attention from any realistic search for evidence.
39. Credible reports of accomplices (e.g., “John Doe Number Two”) are ignored or quickly covered up.
40. Reporter or other authoritative accounts contradict official narrative (e.g. McIntyre’s (McIntyre’s first version)  (McIntyre’sflip flop)  and Walter’s flip flops; or FBI crime stats revealing that no murders were committed in or around Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012, the year of the alleged Sandy Hook shooting).
Investigators after the Event
41. Cui Bono?  (Who benefits?) Neither the news media nor investigators ask this question.
42. Other key questions are never investigated and are left unanswered.
43. Key evidence is conveniently destroyed before a thorough investigation can take place.
44. Official behavior contradicts official narrative (e.g. outbound flights arranged for the bin Laden family while bin Laden was being blamed for an atrocity, even as all other flights are grounded).
45. The case is quickly closed.
46. Government begins to “take action” against the scapegoat or moves along the lines of the media narrative.
47. The officially proposed solution wouldn’t have prevented the events.
48. Clues in pop media (foreshadowing) (Use your favorite web or video search engine to find “predictive programming.”)
49. Other anomalies, which may or may not be found in more than one psyop event.  “Other anomalies” can cover a wide range and be very difficult to spot or may be nothing more than anomalies.

     Well, that’s my list.  Not everything is a conspiracy, but conspiracies do happen.  Politics, by its very nature, is conspiratorial.
     [Note: Veterans Today posted a detailed article about nineteen signs of a false flag event.  It covers some of the same points I've covered in this article, but it gives much more detail and explanation.  It's well worth reading.] [LINK]

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”      —Thomas Jefferson

Friday, January 19, 2018

Congressional Investigation into Why Hillary Lost (a mockumentary)

     Hillary Clinton said in an interview that there should be a high-level investigation into the causes of her 2016 defeat.  Her standards of credibility for the proposed investigation are pretty low, as she said that the investigation should be along the lines of the 9/11 Commission "investigation."
     She probably won't get her wish, but that hasn't stopped me from trying to come close.  I've taken audio and video recordings of her words, interspersed with questions of my own making.

     Enjoy it and share it with others.  If you like, I can use not-yet-used clips to create a video in which Hillary praises President Trump for the excellent job he's doing as President.