Until 1994, Bill Gates was described as the stingiest man in the world, based on his practically non-existent charitable giving. His charitable giving, as I recall, amounted to a fraction of one percent of his total income.
If he wanted to keep all his money, it was really his business. I, for one, think that Charles Dickens gave Ebenezer Scrooge a bum rap. Except that Bill Gates was rich, no one would have cared that he was stingy; and, except that Ebenezer Scrooge was rich, Charles Dickens would not have had a story. Accusations against both men were driven mainly by envy.
Then Gates, like Scrooge, announced himself a changed man and promised to give away a billion dollars. He eventually would increase that amount to several billion. That’s when he stopped acting like the pre-Christmas Scrooge and began acting more like the post-Pentecostal Ananias.
Ananias was the phony philanthropist in the Bible who, along with his wife Sapphira, announced that they were giving all they had to the church in Jerusalem. As it turned out, they lied about how much they’d given, and the Almighty struck them dead.
Similarly, Bill and Melinda Gates lied about actually giving away their money. Unlike Ananias and Sapphira, Bill and Melinda seem to have no fear of the Almighty.
It’s an old trick. Even upper middle class tax dodgers can use it. First, you start a tax-exempt foundation with yourself at the head. Technically, you give up ownership of the money, but you maintain control of it. By this means, business investments or other assets can continue to be of benefit to you or your business, but you don’t have to pay taxes on them. What’s more, it can be tax deductible as charitable giving.
Take a look at the web site for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It’ll curl your hair. When you examine their site, though, I suggest you read it with the eyes of an economist rather than the eyes of a business administrator.
Economics is more than just the study of numbers that represent money. It’s the study of cost, reward, and—get this—motivation. Economists recognize that money is not the only motivator. Power is another. So is prestige. There are others.
Of the six major areas the foundation boasts, two of them pertain to vaccinations. They’re talking about eradicating polio. Polio?
As of the year 2000, polio was declared eradicated in Taiwan. In this island nation of 23 million people, there are fewer than ten new cases of polio each year. I have rarely seen a Taiwanese bearing signs of polio, yet Taiwan continues to push an eradication program that accomplished its goals eleven years ago.
As of 1994, China has reported five cases a year. In Latin America, polio is “completely eradicated.” (link)
What about certain third-world nations where polio is still a problem? Shouldn’t they also receive Jonas Salk’s miracle cure for polio?
Perhaps, but that’s not what the Gates Foundation is offering. Jonas Salk’s vaccination contained the inactivated polio virus. The Sabin Vaccine Report for March 1999, says that the Gates Foundation offered the Sabin Vaccine Institute $100 million for children’s vaccines. (link) The Sabin vaccine uses live polio viruses, which the late Jonas Salk had condemned.
In January 2010, the Gates Foundation pledged a further $10 billion for vaccine research for “the world’s poorest countries.” The following month, Gates said, “If we do a really great job; on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services –we could lower [population] by 10 or 15 percent….” (video)
Spinmeisters for Gates claim that what he really meant was, families in poorer countries would have fewer children if they could be confident that their children could live long enough to reach adulthood. If that’s what he really meant, would he be providing the most controversial vaccines? Would he resort to vaccines at all?
The Gates Foundation also boasts that it is promoting the use of GlaxoSmithKlein’s (GSK’s) vaccine for rotavirus. Until I read the Gates Foundation web site, I’d never heard of rotavirus or GSK.
Two drug companies—Merck and GSK—produce similar vaccines for the rotavirus. In Hong Kong, health authorities recommended that GSK’s Rotarix be recalled. (link) In the United States, the FDA, which routinely rubber stamps dangerous drugs and blocks healthy foods, recommended that doctors suspend the use of Rotarix. Merck’s RotaTeq has the same contamination problems, (link) but the FDA is giving it a free ride.
Both vaccines were found to be contaminated with viruses that “cause immune suppression, wasting disease, and death in baby pigs.” The Gates Foundation is pushing the one that’s hard to sell in the United States: GSK’s Rotarix. GSK offers Bill Gates group rotavirus vaccine at 95% discount. (link)
How sweet of them! They can’t sell their junk to the industrialized world, so they’re foisting it on third worlders at fire sale prices.
One of the pages for the Gates Foundation web site is titled, “Improving Health through More Nutritious Foods.” Click that link, and you’ll find nothing but Monsanto Frankenseeds and Frankenfoods. It’s no coincidence that Bill Gates has bought Monsanto; it’s now one of his business interests.
The first “food” you see is a bizarre-looking “golden rice,” which has been called a Trojan horse. According to the Food Freedom web site, Gates and Monsanto misled non-governmental organizations (NGOs) into pushing that stuff. (link)
The Gates Foundation also highlights its promotion of genetically “enhanced” potatoes. The Organic Consumer’s Association sums it up, “Monsanto’s GE Potato Fails in Africa.” (link)
It’s well known that Monsanto seeds are not heritage seeds—that is, they are not seeds that can be held back from each crop and replanted year after year. They’re terminator seeds. Once used, they must be bought again.
So why would farmers who have been using heritage seeds for thousands of years suddenly start using expensive seeds that they’d have to repurchase year after year?
That brings us to another form of fake philanthropy: giving something away in order to entrap a captive buyer. In Haiti, where farmers are now burning Monsanto seeds in protest, it all started out as a “fabulous Easter gift” from Monsanto. The “fabulous Easter gift” came as a result of an $8.3 million “gift” from the Gates Foundation to Monsanto for the program.
Uh, wait a minute. The Gates Foundation, funded by Gates, gave money to Monsanto, which is owned by Gates, as a loss leader to hook captive buyers for Monsanto’s seeds, to the profit of Monsanto. Does that sound more like a gift or an investment?
According to the Institute for Food and Development Policy, “Monsanto is known for aggressively pushing seeds, especially GMO seeds, in both the global North and South, including through highly restrictive technology agreements with farmers who are not always made fully aware of what they are signing. According to interviews by this writer with representatives of Mexican small farmer organizations, they then find themselves forced to buy Monsanto seeds each year, under conditions they find onerous and at costs they sometimes cannot afford.” (link)
Since Gates is the owner of Monsanto, his fake philanthropy in poor countries should be highly profitable. Like Robin Hood in reverse, he seems to be robbing from the poor and giving to himself—and calling it “charitable giving.”
I could go on and on with this, but I think you get the message. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a multi-billion-dollar, tax-exempt investment disguised as a charitable foundation. To make matters worse, judging from the nature of its “giving,” it has the net effect of furthering the global elites’ oft-stated goals of gaining complete control of the world’s food and water supplies, and the reduction of the world’s population in order to control the survivors of their phony “charity.”
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