Only four days before a hotly contested
mid-term election in the Philippines ,
crewmen from a Philippine Coast Guard vessel fired 45 machine-gun bullets into
an unarmed Taiwanese fishing boat, killing Hung Shih-cheng, a 65-year-old
fisherman. Philippine President Benigno
Aquino III immediately claimed that the shooting was an accident, that his
government had no reason to apologize, and vowed to protect Philippine “sovereignty”—without
mentioning that the Philippines has no clear sovereignty over the area in
question. According to the voyage data recorder, the murder was committed in an area where the
exclusive economic zones (EEZs) of both nations overlap, and in which area the Philippines
has refused to negotiate a fishing agreement.
Rather than negotiate with Taiwan directly, Aquino said he would negotiate
with China , not even
acknowledging the existence of Taiwan ’s
national government.
Aquino, a third-generation political
princeling, has accused Taiwanese of muddying the waters by calling it
murder. Under international law, it was murder. Any time a death occurs as a result of a
felony being committed, the law sees it as first-degree murder. Under international law, the Philippine Coast
Guardsmen committed a felony by peppering the unarmed vessel with machine-gun bullets. They committed yet another
felony by leaving the scene of the crime rather than render assistance to the
stricken survivors.
Let’s look at the background of events.
The Bashi Channel is a narrow waterway
where the exclusive economic zones (EEZ’s) of both Taiwan
and the Philippines
overlap. The Philippines
will not formally negotiate fishing rights in the area, supposedly due to the Philippines adherence to a “One China Policy” in
which Taiwan is presumed to
be part of the Peoples Republic of China (Red China). Actually, that’s a lie; they won’t negotiate
fishing rights with Beijing
or other nations either.
A Philippine spokesman said that, in the
matter of the recent killing, they would negotiate only with the Manila
Economic and Cultural Office (MECO), an agency of Chinese Beijing.
Under international law, a coast guard or
naval vessel under challenging a boat or ship in contested waters is permitted
to fire a warning shot over the bow of the challenged vessel. Instead, the Philippine Coast Guard vessel
opened up on the fishing boat with a withering barrage of .30 caliber machine-gun fire. It’s uncertain how long
the attack continued, but Taiwanese news reports say that the boat had 59
bullet holes in it, some 45 of which were entry holes. At least 24 bullets were fired into the
cabin, where four crew members had taken refuge.
Bullet trajectories as determined by Taiwanese authorities are depicted below. Click for higher resolution.
Bullet trajectories as determined by Taiwanese authorities are depicted below. Click for higher resolution.
The Philippine government gave contradictory excuses for the shooting. On the day after the killing, they said the fiberglass fishing boat’s operators were trying to ram the Coast Guard vessel and that the Coast Guard gunners were deliberately firing at the boat to disable its engine. The Ilocos-class Coast Guard vessel, at 35 meters (114 feet), was six times the size of the fishing boat. The fishing boat's engine, of course, would not have been in the crew’s quarters in the forward cabin. Furthermore, Taiwanese forensic investigators found no sign that the fishing boat had rammed anything.
One Philippine spokesman claimed that they were trying to disable the engine while the fishing vessel was trying to escape. Apart from the logistics of firing into the forward end of a fleeing vessel, international law forbids firing at a fleeing vessel unless it’s a warship in time of war.
Next, Philippine officials came up with an
equally risible excuse: They said that the Coast Guard vessel’s gunners had accidentally
shot the fishing boat—45 times.
Although Philippine government spokesmen
claimed they would investigate the event, they indicated that Taiwanese
investigators would be unwelcome. A few years ago, Taiwan and the Philippines
signed an agreement providing for joint investigations of incidents such as
this. To date, the Aquino regime has refused Taiwan ’s
requests for a joint investigation, and they haven’t shared information with
Taiwanese investigators. Taiwan , in
contrast, has shared their findings with Philippine counterparts.
What has become of the Filipino
investigation? I have vainly searched Internet news for information on their
supposed investigation. To date, I have
seen no news of witnesses have been interviewed or statements made by
investigators (if they exist at all); and the whole matter of an investigation
seems to have been dropped down a memory hole.

Aquino’s political allies made clear gains
in Monday’s mid-term elections. At stake
were 12 of 24 seats in the senate, all 229 seats in the house, some 18,000
local elections, and the question of whether Aquino would be a lame duck for
his three remaining years in office.
As it is, Aquino’s party increased their
number of senate seats from 4 to 13, made clear gains in the house (at this
writing, the exact number is unknown), and in local elections. There’s nothing
quite like an international crisis to pull an endangered politician’s chestnuts
out of the fire.
If the international crisis was contrived
for political gain, why did Aquino’s party select Taiwan as their foil? After all, they also have sovereignty spats
with Vietnam , China , Malaysia ,
and Brunei ; and China has been
the most provocative threat to their claims.
Furthermore, Taiwan has a reputation for labor
abuses against Southeast Asian—including Filipino—laborers and caregivers. Salt was further rubbed into old wounds after
Taiwanese envoy Jackie Liu was arrested on charges of defrauding her two
Filipina housekeepers. She had signed a
contract promising to pay them US$1,240, but she paid them only US$450 a
month. She could have been charged with human trafficking, embezzlement, and
abuse; but after three months in the Fort
Leavenworth penitentiary (she could
have gotten five years) she was deported to Taiwan , where charges against her
were dropped due to “lack of evidence.”
Liu was accused of
fraud in foreign labor contracting because her Philippine -housekeeper, who was
hired to work 40 hours per week and receive a monthly salary of US$1,240, in
fact had to work six days per week, 16 to 18 hours per day and received a much
lower salary. (LINK)
the time of her arrest, Liu said she didn't understand what the fuss was all
about. “It happens all the time in Taiwan ,” she
was quoted as saying. Taiwan ’s
Ministry of Foreign Affairs protested Liu’s arrest, claiming that Liu had
diplomatic immunity because she was carrying out her “authorized functions.” She was stripped of her titles because she
had “damaged our nation’s image,” rather than because she had done something
In short, Taiwan makes a handy whipping boy
for political demagogues and has even contributed to the problem.
To my surprise, political demagoguery in
this matter is as scarce in Taiwan
as they are plentiful in the Philippines . As much as I hate to say anything good about
Ma (“The Bumbler”) Ying-jeou, I must admit that he has done everything right in
this crisis. Even those who, only a
month ago, were campaigning for his recall have suspended their campaign for
the time being.
In all this justifiable anger against the
Philippine government, there is blessedly little anger against Filipinos
Several decades ago, I lived in the Philippines for
four months, and all my neighbors were Filipinos. I came to know the best of them, the worst of
them, and those in between. Here in Taiwan ,
I have come to know and admire many more of them. The people of the Philippines are the salt of the
Their leaders, however, like the political
leaders of most countries, are little more than glorified gangsters. Throughout the history of the world, most
countries have been ruled by criminal gangs; and most gangster governments have
been ruled by criminal psychopaths.
I served in the United States Navy for
over three years, and I came to know sailors from other countries as well. By nature, people accustomed to obeying
orders are unwilling to risk a firing squad by committing cold-blooded murder.
Even the American atrocities at Abu Ghraib came as a result of pressure from
very high in the American government.
Likewise, in the murder of Hung Shih-cheng, orders to violate
international law had to have come from someone very high on the chain of
As of this writing, Aquino has offered no real apology (just a lame excuse that it was all an accident), no offer of compensation to the family of the murdered fisherman, and no sign that he would welcome a joint investigation of the crime.
As of this writing, Aquino has offered no real apology (just a lame excuse that it was all an accident), no offer of compensation to the family of the murdered fisherman, and no sign that he would welcome a joint investigation of the crime.
Only international pressure can force the
Aquino regime to conform to civilized norms.
can display moral suasion by protecting the rights of Filipino caregivers and
migrant workers on Taiwanese soil. The laws to do so are already in place. All they lack is the will.
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