American Action Report
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Saturday, February 9, 2019
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Ten Reasons to Expect a Red Tsunami in the 2018 Midterm Elections
(If you'd rather watch the video than read the article, here it is, below.)
Reason #1: Opinion polls give the false impression that Democrats and Republicans
are evenly distributed within congressional districts. In fact, Democratic voters are more disproportionately
packed into Democratic-controlled congressional districts than Republican
voters are. A Democratic landslide in
one district often takes place at the expense of a narrow Democratic defeat in
a nearby district. This usually means
that an average of 5% of the Democratic votes are wasted on candidates who are
going to win anyway.
Thus, if the
Democrats have a 5% edge over the Republicans nationwide, in practical terms,
they’re running neck-and-neck.
Republicans have the momentum. A
month ago, in generic ballots, the Democrats had a 17% advantage over the
Republicans. A few days ago, the
Democratic advantage was more like 3% and closing.
#3: For midterm elections, opinion polls usually ask the wrong people. Candidates don’t win elections by having more
people in favor of them; they win by getting more supporters to the polls. Fewer than 40% of registered voters will vote
in the 2018 midterm elections, but most opinion poll samplings imply that 100%
of registered voters will vote. In fact,
60% of their answers are worthless and misleading. Roughly 20% of registered voters will decide
the election.
Who will vote and who won’t vote?
With fewer than 40% voting in the midterms, the winners will be the candidates
who do the best job of energizing their base.
That usually means that the winners will be the ones who do the best job
of framing the issues. The Republicans
are framing the election as a choice between continued progress on hot button
issues and a return to higher taxes, excessive regulation, and other issues
that are hot buttons for no more than 10% of the voters. President Trump’s voter
base is closer to 30%.
#5: Who is making the fewest serious mistakes? Both
Republicans and Democrats are making strategic mistakes, but the Democratic
mistakes are more serious. The biggest
Republican mistake was for Paul Ryan to continue as Speaker of the House
instead of stepping down and being replaced by Jim Jordan. Democrats have been making massive
mistakes. They include calls for protesters
to harass officials who are going about their business, threats to raise taxes
on average Americans, and threats to destroy American jobs by restoring
job-killing regulations.
The Kavanaugh Effect. The persecution of Brett Kavanaugh was intended to
energize the Democratic Party’s most radical base. For the most part, it has had the opposite
effect—and then some. Married women,
especially the mothers of teenage sons, are alarmed at the thought that their
sons may one day be presumed guilty by accusation. The Kavanaugh Effect has likely struck a
nerve among blacks and Hispanics as well.
Blacks and Hispanics are all too familiar with being presumed guilty
without evidence. The Kavanaugh witch
hunt has become such a disaster for the Democrats that MSNBC and other
Democratic-leaning networks lately have complained that other networks have
been unfair in their reporting of the process.
#7: The Black Vote. Democrats have tried to make the 2018 midterm
elections a referendum on the presidency of Donald Trump, and they’ve gotten
their wish. Over the past two years,
black support for Republicans has quadrupled.
This has been largely because blacks have seen the disparity between the
crime and poverty in Democratic-controlled areas such as south Los Angeles and
Chicago; and the jobs and opportunities offered by President Trump and his
#8: The Hispanic/Immigrant Vote. Not all Hispanics are
immigrants, and not all immigrants are Hispanic. Democrats, cloistered in their
bi-coastal bubble, have deceived themselves with the notion that Hispanics are
opposed to President Trump’s policy of securing the border. In point of fact, Hispanics—both native born
and immigrants—as well as immigrants who are not Hispanic—want their children
and grandchildren to find the same opportunities in America that immigrants now
find when they arrive. They don’t want
America to be turned into the kind of country that other people are
fleeing. Small wonder that Hispanic
support for President Trump has more than doubled since the 2016 election.
#9: The Numbers in the Senate Races. Of the thirty-five contested senate seats,
twenty-six are held by Democrats; nine are held by Republicans. To win control of the Senate, Democrats have
to win two of the nine Republican-held seats.
Republicans need only to hold onto the ones they have, and they have
twenty-six opportunities to increase their majority in the Senate. West Virginia has already flipped into the
Republican column. North Dakota and
Florida are on the way there. Others are likely.
#10: Increases is Republican Registrations, Requests for Absentee Ballots for
Registered Republicans, and Early Voting by Registered Republicans in Florida,
North Carolina, Wyoming, Arizona, Ohio, and Iowa. All these factors indicate a surge in GOP
The desperate
Democrats in Washington DC and in the Pravda press outlets such as the Clown
News Network and MSNBC have been pushing the notion that there’s no need for
Republicans to go to the polls because all is lost anyway. Democrat desperation is becoming more and
more evident with each passing week.
I forecast that
the Republican Party will gain around eight seats in the U.S. Senate, several
seats in the House, several more governorships, and control of several more
state legislatures. We’ll see
With strong Republican
majorities in both houses of Congress—real Republicans and not RINOs such as
the departing Jeff Flake and Paul Ryan—and with an Attorney General who will do
his job, President Trump can finish his task of draining the swamp, securing
America’s borders, strengthening America’s economy, securing peace and fair
trade with other countries, and making America great again.
Saturday, March 3, 2018
49 Tips for Recognizing a False Flag or other Psyop
“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
“The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamor for such laws if their personal security is threatened”.
– Josef Stalin
There can be no doubt that false flag attacks are a reality. Washington’s Blog has documented at least 53 false flag attacks to which government officials in various countries—including the U.S.—have later admitted. Only the most cowardly, self-deceived individuals can doubt the existence of false flag attacks.
Several web sites offer anywhere from three to fifteen clues on how to recognize false flag attacks. I’ve gleaned through them and added a few of my own. There are really too many to cover in detail in a single article. Instead, I’ve chosen simply to list them and perhaps go into further detail a few at a time, on some future occasion.
Your choice: You may read the article or watch the video:
Your choice: You may read the article or watch the video:
In a false flag attack or other psyop, several (or many) of the following phenomena are evident:
1. There
is an immediate comprehensive narrative, including a convenient culprit. Law
enforcement, government agencies, and the mainstream media immediately proffer
a narrative that completely explains the event and encourages citizens to tie
their intellectual understanding of the tragedy to the emotions they
2. Even before there is time for investigation,
the “news” media has quickly and conveniently named and demonized the “culprit”
(read: patsy).
3. The
official narrative has obvious domestic and geopolitical advantages for the
governing body.
4. The
narrative behind the attack serves to leverage emotions such as fear, as well
as patriotism, in order to manufacture consent around a previously
controversial issue. (e.g. calls for gun confiscation)
5. Media
and government officials promote a narrative against scapegoat groups and/or an
agenda to deprive citizens of life, liberty, or property.
6. The
official narrative keeps changing, adjusting to new facts that contradict the
official narrative.
7. No
matter how many times the narrative changes, people who question the official
narrative are demonized as “conspiracy theorists” or something worse.
The Nature of the Event
8. It’s a
high-profile event. According to a New York Times news article, mass murders
(murders of four or more people at one time) occur an average of once a day in
the U.S. The overwhelming majority of
mass murders are ignored, but a select few are covered 24/7.
9. The
event seems too theatrical to be real, or at least too theatrical to be taken
at face value.
Obvious Holes in the Official Narrative
10. Official narrative contradicts boundary
conditions (e.g., the narrative that a non-pilot such as Hani Hanjour taught
himself to fly a Boeing 757 more expertly than an experienced Boeing pilot.)
11. Significant
omissions in the official narrative
(e.g., the fact that, only two weeks before 9/11, Hani Hanjour was not
allowed to rent a Cessna 172 due to his poor piloting skills).
12. Official
narrative contradicts experience (personal or historical) (e.g., that no
high-rise building in history has ever collapsed due to fire damage, yet it
supposedly happened three times at the same place on the same day.)
Official Behavior before or during the
13. Military
training drills or police drills occur on the day of and very near the attack
itself, simulating an event that’s virtually identical to the “real” event that
is taking place. This often causes
confusion, muddles eye witness testimony, and allows orchestrators to plant
both patsies, disinformation, and backup operatives.
14. Government
or media foreknowledge (e.g. BBC announcing the collapse of WTC-7 some 20
minutes before it actually occurred).
15. Ignored
16. Authorities
facilitated the event, either actively or passively.
17. Serious
violations of protocol. (In the Sandy
Hook psyop, almost everyone in any official capacity violated the law and
failed to follow required protocol.)
The Suspect(s)
18. Suspects
usually have new social media accounts.
19. Suspect
leaves a manifesto.
20. Suspect
has had no military training, yet he shoots extremely fast and accurately.
21. The
suspect(s) have a demonstrable connection to the CIA, FBI, or another
intelligence agency.
22. The
suspect has no credible means of funding.
(e.g., James Holmes, an unemployed medical student who had $26,000 worth
of armaments, body armor, bomb-making equipment, and other paraphernalia. Unaccountably, he also had the skills to make
the bombs, rig the booby traps, and use the guns and ammo. Wow!)
23. Suspect
dies before he can be brought to trial.
24. In the
case of a terrorist group, PR is clearly designed for domestic consumption
(e.g., when organizational initials or other PR symbols are in English when one
would reasonably expect them to be in the native language of the terrorist
group. Note: the acronym ISIS stands for
the English words Islamic State of Iraq and Syria).
The Witnesses
26. Witnesses
whose accounts may be fatal to the official narrative are killed, drugged, or
“suicided;” or they die under other suspicious circumstances.
27. Family
or witnesses supporting the official narrative often have elite or acting
28. “Witnesses”
make official talking points. (E.g., 9/11 “Harley guy” claiming that WTC 1
& 2 collapsed “mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just
too intense.”)
29. “Witnesses”
speak in “officialese” (e.g., “multiple gunshots” instead of “several (or a
specific number of) gunshots,” or, “I witnessed…,” instead of, “I saw…”)
30. The same
witnesses are present at two or more events.
31. “Witnesses”
speak in generalities, so as to avoid the risk of telling too different a story
as other “witnesses.”
32. Witnesses’
statements are reinterpreted or shut off by an interviewer.
Victims and their Families
33. Fake
“victims;” the same “victim” get killed in two or more separate events.
34. Families
of “victims” appear on TV within 24 hours, showing little or no emotion, and
even snigger and laugh. “Robbie
Parker” James Foley’s smiling sister’s
“duping delight”:
35. Non
sequiturs (e.g. that victims’ families wouldn’t want to know how their loved
ones died; or pulling out of an illegal war would be disrespectful of “the
troops;” or that “an investigation of a terrorist act would invite another such
36. Victim’s
families don’t sue anyone for negligence, but receive millions in unsolicited
federal payouts
News Reports after the Event
37. There
is no obvious motive for the attack.
38. News
media may obsess over a search for a motive, thereby diverting attention from
any realistic search for evidence.
39. Credible
reports of accomplices (e.g., “John Doe Number Two”) are ignored or quickly
covered up.
40. Reporter
or other authoritative accounts contradict official narrative (e.g. McIntyre’s
(McIntyre’s first version) (McIntyre’sflip flop) and Walter’s flip flops; or
FBI crime stats revealing that no murders were committed in or around Newtown,
Connecticut, in 2012, the year of the alleged Sandy Hook shooting).
Investigators after the Event
41. Cui
Bono? (Who benefits?) Neither the news
media nor investigators ask this question.
42. Other
key questions are never investigated and are left unanswered.
43. Key
evidence is conveniently destroyed before a thorough investigation can take
44. Official
behavior contradicts official narrative (e.g. outbound flights arranged for the
bin Laden family while bin Laden was being blamed for an atrocity, even as all
other flights are grounded).
45. The
case is quickly closed.
46. Government
begins to “take action” against the scapegoat or moves along the lines of the
media narrative.
47. The
officially proposed solution wouldn’t have prevented the events.
48. Clues
in pop media (foreshadowing) (Use your favorite web or video search engine to
find “predictive programming.”)
49. Other
anomalies, which may or may not be found in more than one psyop event. “Other anomalies” can cover a wide range and
be very difficult to spot or may be nothing more than anomalies.
Well, that’s my
list. Not everything is a conspiracy,
but conspiracies do happen. Politics, by
its very nature, is conspiratorial.
[Note: Veterans Today posted a detailed article about nineteen signs of a false flag event. It covers some of the same points I've covered in this article, but it gives much more detail and explanation. It's well worth reading.] [LINK]
[Note: Veterans Today posted a detailed article about nineteen signs of a false flag event. It covers some of the same points I've covered in this article, but it gives much more detail and explanation. It's well worth reading.] [LINK]
“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” —Thomas Jefferson
Friday, January 19, 2018
Congressional Investigation into Why Hillary Lost (a mockumentary)
Hillary Clinton said in an interview that there should be a high-level investigation into the causes of her 2016 defeat. Her standards of credibility for the proposed investigation are pretty low, as she said that the investigation should be along the lines of the 9/11 Commission "investigation."
She probably won't get her wish, but that hasn't stopped me from trying to come close. I've taken audio and video recordings of her words, interspersed with questions of my own making.
Enjoy it and share it with others. If you like, I can use not-yet-used clips to create a video in which Hillary praises President Trump for the excellent job he's doing as President.
She probably won't get her wish, but that hasn't stopped me from trying to come close. I've taken audio and video recordings of her words, interspersed with questions of my own making.
Enjoy it and share it with others. If you like, I can use not-yet-used clips to create a video in which Hillary praises President Trump for the excellent job he's doing as President.
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
What's Driving President Trump's Low Approval Rating?
A friend of mine recently wrote to me about President Trump's low approval rating. He said, "The media claims Donald's support is down to 38%. I don't believe it. Everyone I know is still behind him and believes he is the best thing for this country."
Of course, one robin doesn't make a spring. My friend has a higher-than-average education; and, from my knowledge of him (and that he's a retired computer science teacher,) I know that he's very bright. He probably associates mainly with bright people (such as I.) A typical leftist might grasp at straws ans accuse him of dwelling in something like their safe space: an echo chamber of ideas.
What about people who live and work outside my friend's circle of acquaintances? What about the 62% who either disapprove of President Trump's performance or the clueless clods who have no opinion of him because they spend most of their time distracted by Game of Thrones, ESPN, or the Kardashians? The ones who'd rather look for Pokemon than look for a job?

Rather than taking the words of the Counterfeit News Network and BSNBC at face value, let's take a look at the polls on President Trump's 38% approval rating. There are
several points to consider.
- The 38% in question is the finding of the same
pollsters who told us that Clinton had a 97% chance of winning the 2016
election. The Rasmussen poll, which came closest to being accurate in 2016, which uses the most reliable sampling, and which asks only
people who are likely voters, says Trump has a 41% approval rating.
That's about 3 percentage points lower than Obama's at the same
point in his first term of office. Obama had a honeymoon period; Trump
- Trump is attacked daily in the corporate media, while
Obama largely got a free ride. According a survey of news reports a
month or so ago, the most Trump-friendly "news" outlet (Fox) was
negative on Trump around 60 percent of the time. CNN was negative
97% of the time, and they even chose to ignore important issues just so
they could hammer him over petty lies such as whether he ate two scoops of
ice cream or just one.
- During the 2016 campaign, voters naturally compared
Trump to Clinton and, of course, Trump won. After nine months of
hammering, with no flesh-and-blood opponent, most voters
unconsciously compare Trump to an imaginary ideal President.
- Voters have short memories. During the campaign,
the opposition was constantly saying in so many words that Trump was
promising things that no one could achieve. Remember what Obama said to the Carrier air conditioning
employees about Trump's promise to save their jobs and to bring
manufacturing and coal jobs back to America? Obama called Donald Trump's jobs promises a cruel hoax. (When half the jobs were returned, and other jobs opened up elsewhere, the Obamatards attacked Trump for not saving all the Carrier jobs and for not using traditional Republican means to save and create jobs.) Remember what the Democrat naysayers said
when Trump promised to raise the GDP to 2%, 2.5% or even higher?
(Now it's 2.6% and climbing.) What about other economic
indicators? (They're all skyrocketing to their highest levels in 15
years.) Curbing illegal aliens? (Illegal border crossings are down by three fourths.)
Name the promise. Except for the promises that depended on the cooperation of RINOs
such as Songbird McCain, Snitch McConnell, Swish Graham, and Paul
RINO, he has kept his promises beyond all expectation. After doing
what the Democrats said was impossible, they whine that he didn't do
- There's one other point about Trump's approval rating: the word approval is open to interpretation. Voters can support every one of his initiatives and still not "approve" of him as a person. By contrast, Justin Trudeau is destroying Canada; but, according to Business Insider, four out of ten Americans would rather have Trudeau as U.S. President. And what words of praise does Business Insider have for Trudeau? His flashy clothes and celebrity status. But wait a minute. If four out of ten Americans would rather have Trudeau than Trump, that would mean that six out of ten would rather have Trump or are not sure which they'd rather have. That goes back to what I said about Trump needing to be compared to a real person and not an imaginary ideal. When compared to Clinton, Trump won. Now, compared to Trudeau, Trump still wins.
Now that Donald Trump has done more for the American people in seven months than Obama had done in eight years, what are the Democrats doing to counter his moves? They've come up with a new slogan: "A Better Deal."
A better deal than what? A better deal than they've been giving us? A better deal than Trump is already delivering? Why are they promising a better deal now that they're out of power and can't deliver on their promises? If they can do better than Donald Trump is now doing, why did they say his promises were cruel hoaxes that would be impossible for anyone to keep?
They still don't realize that every political issue represents human needs and human desires. They still think that political issues are all about public relations. When the policies are disastrous for the American people, we don't need a better public relations initiative; we need better policies.
We're supposed to believe that the Democrats' "better deal" will be given to us by the same people who gave us a really rotten deal. So why doesn't it fill me with confidence?
"A Better Deal"? No thanks. President Donald Trump is already giving us the best deal we've had in my lifetime.
Monday, August 8, 2016
The Corporate Shills in MSM are in Panic Mode over the Clinton Presidential Campaign's Meltdown
Distressing news about Donald Trump has been coming hot and heavy, and a meltdown is clearly taking place; but hold on a minute. Trump's campaign is not the one that's melting down; the corporation-controlled media is melting down. The entities that used to be known as the "news media" are practically wearing tinfoil hats. In case you missed some of it, here are some recent items that the corporate shills are trying to pass off as news:
The Associated Press published a 33 1/2-inch article in which a world Olympic committee member (himself an American who admits he supports Hillary Clinton) is warning that a Trump victory in November would imperil Los Angeles's bid to host the next Olympics. He offered no evidence for his incredible statement, and that's all the article said. Who but a wildly desperate agency would devote almost a yard of newsprint to a non-story like that?
Reuters News Agency recently published a poll claiming that Clinton has bounced 9% or 10% ahead of Trump. When you look at the sample surveyed, you find that almost half the sample were self-identified Democrats, and barely 10% called themselves independents. You probably know from experience that from 30% to 40% of the American public call themselves independents, and the rest are almost evenly split between Democrats and Republicans. Not content with that blatant lie, Reuters has gone back to some of their previously published polls and changed their methodology to reflect their prearranged conclusions.
ABC is making a big-to-do about the Republican leadership making contingency plans in case Trump drops out of the race due to his (ha, ha, ha!) low poll numbers. The truth is, in every major race, strategists have to consider this possibility, however remote it may seem. ABC knows this, but they're trying to build a story from it. It's the biggest non-story of the year.
When the mother of one of Hillary Clinton's Benghazi victims (yes, negligent homicide is murder) finally said on television what the warfare state shills had chosen to ignore for years, the media blistered Trump, supposedly for taking political advantage of a woman who was out of her mind with grief. When it was Hillary's turn, she did the same, and the media blistered Trump for pointing out that, though the son was a hero, the father was not the son.
And apparently no one in the corporate-shill media bothered to tell us that everything Mr.Khan—a lawyer who certainly knew better—told us about the Constitution was a lie. Not one of Trump's proposed measures Khan that condemned was unconstitutional. Hillary called the mothers of her Benghazi victims liars; any careful reading of the Constitution reveals that Mr. Khan is a liar.
And apparently no one in the corporate-shill media bothered to tell us that everything Mr.Khan—a lawyer who certainly knew better—told us about the Constitution was a lie. Not one of Trump's proposed measures Khan that condemned was unconstitutional. Hillary called the mothers of her Benghazi victims liars; any careful reading of the Constitution reveals that Mr. Khan is a liar.
No doubt, the father's grief was real, but it was far from pure. Khan is a lawyer specializing in Muslim immigration from terrorist-infested countries in the Middle East and South Asia. His website lists New York City as his office address, but the phone number is in Washington, DC. When an investigator called the number, the person who answered it said that it wasn't Khan's number, but he refused to say whose number it was. When the investigator did what news reporters are supposed to do, he found that the number was for a Muslim organization with suspicious connections.
Here and here are two links that strongly indicate Khizr M. Khan's close ties to both Islamic terrorism and the Clinton Foundation.
I used to have doubts about Trump's sincerity; I wondered if it were all a hoax or even a Trojan horse for Hillary, but not any more. The way the corporate shills are now in panic mode and practically wearing tinfoil hats when they read the "news" from their teleprompters tells me that Donald Trump is the real deal.
If you want a clue as to how popular Trump really is (and we can no longer trust polls), take a look at Google Trends. Google Trends measures how many Internet searches there are for almost any topic. Internet interest is not the same thing as voter support, but lack of interest shows lack of support. In that sense, it's a rough guide.
If you want a clue as to how popular Trump really is (and we can no longer trust polls), take a look at Google Trends. Google Trends measures how many Internet searches there are for almost any topic. Internet interest is not the same thing as voter support, but lack of interest shows lack of support. In that sense, it's a rough guide.
In 2008 and 2012 elections, I would key in the names of candidates and throw in the name of a famous movie star just to get some basis for comparison among non-political people (many of whom vote, though many others are too young to vote). In the past, Paris Hilton generated more interest than any candidate.
This year, it's different. Limiting searches to the United States during the past 30 days, the charts show that Trump and Clinton generate more interest than Beyonce, Matt Damon, or Jennifer Lawrence. Johnson and Stein, relative to one another, generate a level of interest that is tantalizingly similar to their comparative poll numbers. Trump is generating more interest than Harry Potter; but, as of August 4, Harry Potter was generating more interest than Clinton. Clinton's numbers will soon rise above the fictional wizard's, but she's clearly not holding public interest as well as Donald Trump.
It's no wonder she's having seizures.
It's no wonder she's having seizures.
June 3, 2017 ADDENDUM: The corporate shills are still in panic mode, and it's called Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Thursday, August 4, 2016
The Hillary Clinton Fairy Tale
The official campaign biographies of Hillary Clinton read like a mashup of fairy tales, legends, and popular American memes. The narrative flits about like Tinkerbell from one image to another. At one moment, you think you're reading a Cinderella rip-off; in the next moment, Hillary comes off more like Joan of Arc. Her Horatio Alger rags-to-riches story begins in one of the richest and whitest suburbs in the United States; and progresses from one symbolic gesture to another, with Hillary treading well-worn pathways and calling it "breaking down barriers" and "breaking glass ceilings." Scandals, abysmal failures, and utter disasters are glossed over and forgotten.
Many videos have exposed the lies for what they are. I've decided to take a different approach. Below are links to my three-part video in which I play along with the Clinton fairy tale. Hillary is presented alternately as Cinderella, Joan of Arc, and other champions of female empowerment. Somehow, though, reality keeps intruding on the fairy tale.
In Part 1, we see the fairy tale version compared to the reality of Hillary's "average American" childhood.
Many videos have exposed the lies for what they are. I've decided to take a different approach. Below are links to my three-part video in which I play along with the Clinton fairy tale. Hillary is presented alternately as Cinderella, Joan of Arc, and other champions of female empowerment. Somehow, though, reality keeps intruding on the fairy tale.
In Part 1, we see the fairy tale version compared to the reality of Hillary's "average American" childhood.
In Part 2, we take a look at her wilderness years, during which she showed how much of a champion of women and children she was (in particular, the rights of a 12-year-old girl). Part 2 ends with the disaster of Hillarycare.
In Part 3, we see her rise from former First Lady to various positions that had already been held by dozens of women before her: Senator, Secretary of State, and presidential candidate.
The 2016 Democratic primaries, of course, were the grandest fairy tale of the year.
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